Botulism: Scary stuff


    Botulism is a rare condition brought on by ingesting botulism toxin.  Found naturally in honey, its most likely victim is babies under one year of age. Caused by Clostridium botulinum. It attacks the nerves and causes almost complete paralyzation. This is irreversible, although your body can eventually regrow its nerves and you can regain what you lost. 

                    The symptoms are:

      • Weakness of the muscles in the face
      • Difficulty breathing
      • Double vision
      • Droopy eyelids
      • Blurry vision
      • Slurred speech 
      • Difficulty moving the eyes
      • Difficulty swallowing 

                    You cannot see, smell, or taste Botulism. It commonly grows in home-canned vegetables if not done correctly. It can only take 30 grams (About half a cup of coffee beans, or a slice of bread.) to kill the entire human race. Only thirty grams. It's also used in certain medical treatments. (It's used to combat Overactive Blatter, migraines, etc.) and in beautification treatments, too. (Botox injects very, very small, very, diluted bits of Botulism into one's face to stop wrinkles over a period of time.) 
