Margret Bernardine Hall


                    That, my friends, is Margret Bernardine Halls's painting, Fantine, from the book Les Misérables (One of the best classic novels and movies, in my opinion). Margret was an English painter who spent most of her time in Paris. Sadly, only a few of her paintings have made it this long. 

            Margret Bernardine Hall was born in 1863, in Wavertree, Liverpool, to a wealthy politician. She was the second child and the eldest girl. During her career, she traveled all across the world to paint, back when the impressionists were around. (Example: Claude Monet) Not a lot of female artists were about in the city around that time, so it was peculiar.  

                She painted her most famous painting, Fantine, a year after Victor Hugo's death. She painted a lot of other paintings in her time, but not a lot have made it to today. In fact, while writing this, I looked for pictures she painted, but found nothing but the Fantine picture. 

        She died in 1910 after she moved back to England. 

            Sadly, I couldn't find much information on her, but a lot about her painting. It seems that only her painting was important enough to recognize, and not the artist herself. Once I can find more information, I'll update this article, but until then, this is what I got. 




  1. You should do a post on Caravaggio he was a very interesting Roman painter.


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