Dr. Jonas Salk and his creation


                      Dr. Jonas Salk and his creation 

          You might not know who Dr. Jonas Salk is, he isn't a household name, but he is the reason thousands of children survived Polio. 

        Dr. Jonas Salk was born in 1915 in New York City, the oldest out of three children, and graduated from the New York City university of medicine in 1939. He dedicated his life to medicine, creating the vaccine for Polio and beginning the vaccine for AIDS.

        The Polio vaccine was administered to school children in the 1950s during the epidemic of Polio. 

    He worked nonstop (Hamilton plays in the background) For two and a half years to create the inactive vaccine (The one used in the syringes, the active one was taken by mouth, and disguised by being put on sugar cubes.)

    He had ideas that were revolutionary in his time, using dead bacteria in it to inoculate the children.

        Mr. Salk is an inspiration in my personal opinion. When asked if he was going to trademark the design of the vaccine, he responded "Well, would you trademark the sun?" 
